image of self driving car

Imagine a world where transportation is effortless, reliable, and available to everyone, regardless of their driving abilities or schedules.

image of self driving car
Self-driving taxi service heading your way!

This future is closer than you think, and My Ride Link™ is at the forefront of making it a reality.

As autonomous vehicles (AVs) are rolled out in various markets, My Ride Link™ is positioned to ensure that these technological marvels are accessible to those who need them the most: single parents, individuals with medical concerns, and those without a driver’s license.

Revolutionizing Mobility for Single Parents

Single parents juggle multiple responsibilities every day, from work to childcare to household management.

Transportation should be the least of their worries.

With My Ride Link™’s integration with autonomous vehicles, single parents can schedule rides in advance, ensuring their children are safely transported to school, extracurricular activities, and medical appointments.

Imagine a world where your car seats are always ready, and your ride arrives on time, every time, allowing you to focus on what truly matters—your family.

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Providing Independence for People with Medical Concerns

For individuals with medical conditions, reliable and affordable transportation is not just a convenience—it’s a necessity.

Regular doctor visits, therapy sessions, and trips to the pharmacy are critical for maintaining health and well-being.

My Ride Link™’s AV integration provides a dependable solution, offering rides tailored to the specific needs of each passenger.

Whether it’s a vehicle with wheelchair access or a car equipped with medical supplies,

My Ride Link™ ensures that everyone gets the care they need without the stress of finding a ride.

Empowering Those Without a Driver’s License

Not everyone has the means or ability to obtain a driver’s license.

This includes teenagers, the elderly, and individuals with disabilities.

My Ride Link™’s seamless integration with autonomous vehicles opens up a world of possibilities, granting freedom and mobility to those who previously had limited options.

Whether it’s getting to work, visiting loved ones, or simply running errands, everyone deserves the freedom to move.

Join Us in Transforming Transportation

My Ride Link™ is not just a service—it’s a movement towards a more inclusive and accessible future.

To turn this vision into reality, we need your support.

Your contribution will help us accelerate the integration of autonomous vehicles into our platform, expanding our reach and enhancing our services.

Chip in today to our seed funding campaign via PayPal or Cash App.

Together, we can make transportation accessible for all.

Every dollar counts.

Your support will directly impact the lives of single parents, individuals with medical concerns, and those without a driver’s license, providing them with the mobility and independence they deserve.

Let’s ride into the future together.

Questions? Contact us today.

Thank you for your generosity!

Hi, I’m My Ride Link

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